
Access powerful content & copy

*prices vary depending on scope of project and information supplied

Case Studies


Show how your customers are using your product and winning!

White papers

$400 per page

Attract email sign-ups/new leads with valuable, downloadable reports.

Blog posts


SEO posts that inform you audience and get you found.

Email Sequences

$100 per email

Welcome, educate, engage, retain



Reduce churn and create a loyal following.

Long form posts


SEO Guides, pillar posts, lists and more.

Product pages


Use professional, compelling copy for all new products and services.

Use Case pages


Show how your product can be used and spark your visitors imagination.


from $2000

Educate your customers about processes, products and more...

Landing pages


Squeeze pages can bring in massive leads and sales.

Training Scripts


Help customers use a website service or complete a task.



Reach out and grow sales with reactivations, invitations, more.

Case Studies

A study by Hawkeye found that case studies can increase conversion rates by up to 70%.

One of the challenges for some SaaS businesses is explaining how their product works and what it can do for their prospective customers.

A Case Study solves that problem by providing authentic, evidence-based narratives that highlight the tangible impact of your product and how it has been used in real-life circumstances. 

  • ​Establish your brand as a problem-solver, a provider of valuable solutions
  • ​Provide prospects with a sense of reassurance, demonstrate how others have successfully used your product to achieve their goals​​
  • ​Drive conversions and boost your bottom line

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White Papers

A white paper is a comprehensive, authoritative report or guide that delves deep into a complex issue, or product, offering solutions and demonstrating a company's expertise.

For a SaaS B2B business, they serve as a powerful tool, helping to articulate the value proposition of your software solutions in a detailed, substantiated manner.

They are not written in 'sales speak', rather they persuade by explaining and educating your prospective clients.

  • ​Engender trust in your brand or service
  • ​Great for lead generation and nurturing
  • ​Generates interest, delivers value long after being published

Blog Posts

A blog for a SaaS B2B business is a dynamic platform that shares industry insights, product updates, and thought leadership pieces and positions you as an industry leader.

They foster customer engagement, showcase your expertise, and enhance SEO.

A blog offers your customers valuable knowledge, helps solve their challenges, and keeps them up-to-date with your offerings. 

​Increased web traffic... means more leads and conversions

  • ​Nurture customer relationships... reduce churn, build loyalty
  • ​​Strengthen brand authority... become the preferred choice

See What My Clients Are Saying

''I found Emma's ability to quickly understand and write about the specific nuances of our product and users without spending a lot of prior time on it impressive. 

She asked thoughtful clarifying questions and pre-empted potential blockers, which made the working process more efficient.

I appreciated how quickly we were able to get the project completed through a series of well documented, tight feedback loops.''


Emma and I have been colleagues at ConvertCalculator for almost six months. I am thoroughly impressed by her writing skills, but what stands out the most is her dedication, proactivity, and willingness to learn on her own. 


Emma has been great for ConvertCalculator. She is knowledgeable, easy to work with, pro-active, delivers great quality content and gets things done. Her contributions have helped us set up and execute our content strategy, greatly accelerating our marketing push.

I highly recommend Emma to anyone in need of support with content marketing.


Emma has been an invaluable asset to Oax Sport Inc as a volunteer content writer. She is exceptionally easy to work with, displaying consistent professionalism in all her interactions. Emma excels in communication, ensuring clarity and promptness in all our projects.

She doesn't just write; she crafts content that aligns seamlessly with our organizational objectives. Moreover, Emma brings a creative edge to our team by proposing engaging topics that resonate with our audience.

Her contributions have undeniably elevated the quality of our articles. We are extremely grateful for her dedication and expertise.


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